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any given day ..MATTE♥Keskiviikko 23.12.2009 02:43

Dawn finds its prayer
the drops on my face
when words die on my lips
and clothe you in silence

She laid me soflty on her heart
So safely cradle... In her arms

My world lives its memory
moments stay still in me
You're gone, your scent lingers
like the sun on my fingers!

She laid me soflty on her heart
So safely cradle in her arms
She laid my head into sleep
So safely cradle. So safely cradle!!

No nothing can take it away
(Who could take me?)
Oh, nothing can take it away
(Who could take me?)
Oh, nothing can take it away
(Who could take me?)

She laid me soflty on her heart
So safely cradle in her arms
She laid my head into sleep
So safely cradle. So safely cradle!!

I will leave
with these words
I never got to say
to you...

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