
Cristal Snow - ScarredLauantai 01.03.2008 02:18

I was cruel and unkind
'cuz one of us
Had to draw the line
I couldnt' give
The things you want
So here's your key
I think we're done

You made your mark
and you scarred my heart
(but it all goes away)
Cried in vain
Tried to end the pain
(but it all goes away)

It's quiet now
a shade of gray
There is nothing left to say
You have timeon your side
And in time you'll be alright

You made your mark
and you scarred my heart
(but it all goes away)
Cried in vain
Tried to end the pain
(but it all goes away) (Repeat 2 x)


haaaaaaaaa--aaaaaahhhh goes away
haaaaaaaaa--aaaaaahhhh goes away

All the pain it just goes away
Goes away
Goes away
All the pain it just goes away
Goes away
Goes away

You made your mark
and you scarred my heart
(but it all goes away)
Cried in vain
Tried to end the pain
(but it all goes away)

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