
DJ Tinman - Sarina Paris - YouPerjantai 14.11.2008 12:30

My phone's not ringing, my door bell isn't singing ?
My bed is empty, I'm fragile: all I do is cry
Because you left me and you didn't even want me
I'm lost and lonely, can't live without you

Every beat of my heart, everyday of my life
Every thought on my mind
Every second, every moment
Every still of the night, every romance goes right
Every dream I deny
Every second, every moment
Every beat of my heart, everyday of my life
Every thought on my mind
Every second, every moment
Every tear that I cry, every hope in my mind
Everything that I hide
Every second, every moment
Every second, every moment: You [3x's]

I'm hearing footsteps outside my door I get up
A voice is humming, a tune that's sounding like "goodbye"
I know I'll find you, no matter where you're hiding
And so I wish for a chance to find you

You [9x's]

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