


Just call me Fagballs

Lockerz.Perjantai 16.10.2009 02:45

Lockerz Invitejä

Jos olet kiinnostunut ryhtymään Lockerzin jäseneksi, joka ei vaadi lähestulkoon lainkaan vaivaa, mutta voi osoittautua hyvinkin hyödylliseksi sinulle, lähetä kutsupyyntösi osoitteeseen

1. What is Lockerz:

Lockerz is an invitation-only website created to connect members through commerce, content and community. Watch exclusive video, discover new music, play games, connect with friends, and get rewarded for it. The more often you visit, the more opportunities you have to earn PTZ (or “Pointz”), Lockerz’ own form of currency. Lockerz was founded in March, 2009.

2. What types of products can be purchased at Lockerz:

Members will be able to purchase a wide range of products from apparel, accessories, electronics, games, sports equipment and other products from hundreds of well known brands. Members will also be able to purchase digital assets such as music, videos, art, and decals.

3. Is Lockerz a scam:

Lockerz is a real company. It is funded by Liberty Media, one of the largest media companies in the US. The Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz is Kathy Savitt, a former executive at and American Eagle Outfitters.

Mikäli et ymmärrä ylläolevaa tekstiä, pyydä suomennosta tässä päiväkirjamerkinnässä!

Mikäli haluat nähdä lisää, etsikää youtubesta "Lockerz Unboxing"


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