Bacon is bacon. Eggs are eggs. Don't let a guy get between your legs. He says, "you're cute." he says, "you're fine." Nine months later, he says, "not mine. "
* looooools *
Imagine if you changed your facebook name to "No One."
No One liked your picture.
No One liked your status.
No One commented on your status.
No One commented on your picture.
No One wants to be your friend.
OK, i'm going to admit it. Its been bugging me for about 10 years now and I need to get it off my chest.
I let the dogs out.
L.M.A.O.S.H.T.I.F.O.T.F.A.D.B.L.T.W.A.D.A.S.H.B.M.B.T.L.J.B.E.S. = Laughing my ass off so hard that I fell on the floor and died but luckily there was a doctor around and so he brought me back to life just before Eastenders started :)
*Types in password*
* 'Password incorrect *
*types it in again*
* 'Password incorrect' *
'But that IS my password'
*types it in again*
* 'Password incorrect*
* 'b**ch that IS my password! Im gonna throw this thing out the fu... *
' oh wait, caps lock.'
7 ways to make your parents think your crazy..
1- Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to ALL the time.
2- everything they say to you scream "LIAR!!!"
3- Run into walls...
4-Try and climb the wall..
5-Make weird animal noises at night, and when they come to see what's wrong, pretend like you're asleep.
6-Have nervous breakdowns at spontaneous times.
7-Stand over them at 4 in the morning with a HUGE grin on your face and say, "good morning sunshine!!!"
person 1: hey.....Pssstttt ..psSSSSSssssst.......PPPSSSSSSSSSSTTT.. HEY !
person 2: WHAT !?
person one: hi :L x) XD
person 2: -_-.....
like if you have ever done this to some one or if some has done this to you :)
When Justin Bieber said he was having a baby, Bruno Mars threw a grenade at him and said: You're gay!! which made Lady gaga call Alejandro for help. Rihanna was scared the world would end , so she took drugs and forgot her name. Eminem said. Im not afraid of dying. Britney told Rihanna drugs were toxic, and Rihanna told her: Go work as a circus clown, u freak! Finally, Nelly woke up saying. Phew! it was Just a dream
*boy whispers to his mom during a wedding*
boy: "Mommy?"
mom: "What?"
boy: "Why is the girl dressed in white?"
mom: "Because this is the happiest day of her life."
boy: "... so why is the boy dressed in black?"
**Sister walks in crying**
Brother: Why are you crying?
Sister: My boyfriend left me!
Brother: Why?!
Sister: I broke his Black Ops disk...I mean, its not fai-
Brother: YOU DID WHAT!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!
Sister: Bu-
Brother: OUT!
Tall girl+Short guy= Awkward. :|
Tall girl+Tall guy= Cute. :D
Short girl+Tall guy= Adorable. <3
Short girl+Short guy= AWWWW.:)
a boy gave his girlfriend a challenge: To live a day without him & told
her that if she passed it, he'll love her forever. the girl agreed & she
didn't talk to him a whole day, without knowing that he had only 24 hours
to live, because he was suffering from cancer.she went to his housethe next
day, tears falling from her eyes as she sawhim lying in a coffin with a note on
the side:you did it baby,you can do it everyday
your cell phone rings in school
elementary- (crys) im so sorry i forgot to turn it off!
middle school- damnmm.
high school- hello? oh heyy wassuppp! yeaa um mrs.smith, billy says hi!
Man: Hunny, try my pants on.
Woman: Ok? *Tries them on* They're too big.
Man: Exactly, which means i wear the pants in this house.
Woman: Try on my panties.
Man: Ok? *Tries them on* Silly girl, i can't get into your panties!
Woman: That's right, & that's the way it's going to be until you change your attitude.
[ Did u get it ? ]
:)) <3