


plays like an all-star! ★

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 24.07.2009 16:15

voi olla et sil ei koht oo enää hiuksii ja mä oon haudattuna niide takapihalle ://
oli kiva tutustuu teihi<3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 08.07.2009 02:35

2 miest istu meijä vieres junas
1 : mä oon päättäny rakastuu
2: hei pena! noi taitaaa kyl olla vähä nuorii. ei ne tämmösii vanhuksii huoli.

ai että me revettii emman kaa :'DD ♥

KOM IHÃ…G!!!!Lauantai 27.06.2009 18:21

kaikki sit muistaa kans! oki ?! <3
siiss ihan kaikki!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 29.05.2009 16:21

Ja rahat tietenki viety...

VITTTUUUU!!!Torstai 28.05.2009 02:41

Puhelin meni rikki!!!!!!!!!!
byebye kaikki numerot & textarit & kuvat & biisit -.-'''


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.05.2009 12:34

ja mikään ei ole niin kuin ennen...

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 11.05.2009 03:04

1. Peitä suu kädelläsi .
2. Toivo jotain .
3. Laita kätesi nyrkkiin .
4. Pidä kättä sydämmelläsi 5 sekunttia .
5. Kopioi tämä päiväkirjaasi .
6. Niin huomisesta tulee olemaan paras päiväsi !

Tiistai 05.05.2009 13:08

va kan man gö?

(:Sunnuntai 03.05.2009 23:44

Black eyes
People with black eyes spend the shortest time in relationships except for the one with their current addiction. They always fall in love with anything that has two legs, a pulse.They are great kissers----until they vomit all over you.. If you dont repost this and you have black eyes you will either O.D., spend the night in jail, or wake up next to some weird guy you've never seen before within the next 2 days._________________________________________________________
Blue Eyes
People with blue eyes last the longest in relationships. They are kind, pretty or handsome, very good kissers and are really hot. They always fall in love with their closest friends and never understand why. They are very funny, outgoing and don't care what people think or say. They love to party.They are very satisfying and love to please. Are straight up WARRIORS((aka wolves)) when they need to be.They are bad to the bone. If you repost this and you have blue eyes you will have the best kiss sometime in the next 5 days.___________________________________________________________
Green eyes
People with green eyes have the most passion put into relationships, honest and trust worthy, they have long lasting relationships. People with green eyes are also the most beautiful, are fun and outgoing, love to make people laugh, and random as ever. They long for the touch of another. They are very laid back. People with green eyes are very VERY sexy and very attracted towards other people. LOVES to have fun. They are alwayas up for a challenge. As a fire ball this person will always have you guessing. Yet they draw you in with their amasing personality. THE BEST KISSER YOU WILL EVER MEET. You never want to let go of this person. Tend to cover up true feelings, get scared over relationships. You will meet/stay with the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with if you repost this.___________________________________________________________
Hazel Eyes;
People with hazel eyes are very lovable. They are really hot and are awesome to be around. They enjoy 'pet names'. They don't care what people think or say. They are lovers not fighters. But if you mess around, they'll knock you out.They are real partiers.They are also the hottest of all. Very sexy people,and awsome kissers.They are very satisfying and they love to please. They can exceed your pleasure standards. They are very laid back, chilled and love to just be around. If you repost this and have hazel eyes then you will be happy soon with the person who is in your heart.___________________________________________________________
Either sexy as hell or are adorable. Loves to make new friends. Their relationship tends to be very honest because if they aren't truly in love, then the relationship won't work. They fall easily for their best friends. Will do anything for that special person. Kind and polite. Enjoys being with their guy/girl. LOVES to party. Can make ANYONE laugh or cheer them up. Loves to please the one they care for or love.
The BEST ones at sex . is NOT THE PERSON YOU WANT TO PISS OFF WILL KNOCK YOU OUT!!!!! ( STRAIGHT BAD ASS) Amazing Kisser. Repost this if you have brown eyes and you will find the one that you are meant to be with

:) Lauantai 02.05.2009 16:02