
Machine Men - Circus of foolsSunnuntai 11.03.2007 14:45

A weak boy beneath a blood-red devilmask
Crossing the line inflicting his mess
HeÂ’s not a friend but I wonÂ’t say it to his face
I will turn my back and find my own place – no apologies in vain

Don’t blame me – can’t you see – you’re a clown in a circus of fools
You hate me and I hate you too until IÂ’m six feet down

You donÂ’t know the small word called regret
Distance freezes and IÂ’m not a threat
YouÂ’re not a friend but you will say it to my face
You won’t turn your back or find your own place – no apologies remain

Don’t blame me – can’t you see – you’re a clown in a circus of fools
You hate me and I hate you too until IÂ’m six feet down

Same song – I’m on his way and different than him
IÂ’m wrong, heÂ’s always right trying to be so strong - spits on my face and beats me down but he is not the king with the crown

Don’t blame me – can’t you see – you’re a clown in a circus of fools
You hate me and I hate you too until IÂ’m six feet down

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