
Just Jack - Stars in their eyesTiistai 22.05.2007 18:00

They'll be making sure you stay amused
they'll fill you up with drugs and booze
Maybe you'll make the evening news

And when you're tripping over your dreams
They'll keep you down by any means
and by the end of the night you'll be stifling your screams

Since you became a VIPerson
It's like your problems have all worsened
Your paranoia casts aspersions
On the truths you know

And they'll just put you in the spotlight
And hope that you'll do alright
Or maybe not

Now Why do you wanna go put starz in their eyes?
Why you wanna go put starz in their eyes?
so why you wanna go put starz in their eyes?
now why you wanna go put starz in there eyes
starz in their eyes?

Remember they said you'd show them all
Emphasise the rise but not the fall
And now you're playing a shopping mall

Your mum and dad they can't believe
What you appear to have achieved
While the rest of these users are just laughing in their sleeves

Since you became a VIPerson
It's like your problems have all worsened
Your paranoia casts aspersions
On the truths you know

And now the tabloids use your face
To document your fall from grace
And then they'll tell you that that's just the way it goes
That's just the way it goes

Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
It's the same old story well they just didn't realise
And it's a long way to come from the dog and duck karaoke machine
And Saturday night's drunken dreams

Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
It's the same old story but they just didn't realise
And it's a long way to come from your private bedroom dance routines
And Saturday night's drunken dreams

Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
Why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
So why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
Starz in their eyes?

Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
It's the same old story but they just didn't realise
And it's a long way to come from the dog and duck karaoke machine
And Saturday night's drunken dreams

(When I grow up im going to be famous)

Behind the steel barrier and sequence and glitter
Five inch heels still knee deep in the litter
Each of them a bitter bullshitter,
Wrapped up in the cloak of fake glamour, getting lost in the camera
Well footprints are fools gold, diamonds crusts on their one off plimsolls
So little time for these one off arseholes
Rigour mortis Ken and Barbie dolls,
A pair of big shades and a push up bra,
It's such a short gap between the gutter and stars,
That you've come a long way from the place that you started
So why'd you wanna go and get so down hearted

Welcome to the kingdom of the blagger
Uncutting you nose clean, coating you bladder
A whole lot happier a whole lot sadder,
Used to be satisfied but now you feel like Mick Jagger,

Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
It's the same old story well they just didn't realise
And it's a long way to come from the dog and duck karaoke machine
And Saturday night's drunken dreams

Now why do you wanna go and put starz in their eyes?
It's the same old story well they just didn't realise
And it's a long way to come from your private bedroom dance routines
And Saturday night's drunken dreams

Hausmylly - Ikävä lokakuuTiistai 22.05.2007 17:57

syksyn tuulissa hiljenemme
pisaroina muistot putoilee
pilvet matelevat ylitsemme
kaikki värit taittuu harmaaseen

syksy saapuu ja kuukin tanssii kasvoillasi kylmää tanssiaan
lähtisitkö todellakin kanssani tänä yönä taivaan ostamaan?
minä olen valmis, jos tahdot niin
minulla on ikävä lokakuu
ikäväni sinuun aina lokakuun tullen täysikuusta heijastuu

huoneestani seinät yöhön haihtuu
mulla on
ikävä lokakuu

taas syksy tää mut yllättää
ei kesän muistot mieleen jää
sua halusin
sua kaipasin
tää syksy vei sut kuitenkin

aamu kalpean kuiskauksensa
verhon takaa huokaa huoneeseen
sinuun sovittelee avaimensa
syksy tekee pesää sydämeen


ihollasi kosketuksen kaipuu
sullakin on
ikävä lokakuu

kertosäe2 (2x)

Ruoska - Tuonen viemääTiistai 22.05.2007 17:56

Mistä on tehty pojat pienet?
Lierot, liskot ja myrkkysienet
Sikiää saatanan syvästä maasta
Kirnuttu hiidenkirnussa saasta
Mistä on kiltit tytöt tehty?
Liejusta muovattu lähde ehtyy
Kivistä helvetin leveiltä teiltä
Siivet revitty enkeleiltä

Tuonen viemää (5x)
Vihasta siitetty, tuonen viemää
Vitsalla kiitetty, tuonen viemää
Lihasta louhittu, tuonen viemää
Verellä kastettu

Nahkasiivet, hännät, sarvet
Raateluhampaat, hirviöparvet
Päällä kiikkerän ruumislaudan
Keinuleikkiä partaalla haudan
Niistä kasvaa miehet, naiset
Vesikauhuiset painajaiset
Rakastaa raivoten toinen toistaan
Harteille lastensa taakkansa nostaa


Pojat, tyttäret juurakkopuusta
Puuttuvan renkaan kylkiluusta
Paras naarata sielunsa suosta
Viisaampi nöyrtyä, viisaampi juosta

kertosäe (2x)

Alice in Videoland - Cut the CrapTiistai 22.05.2007 02:37

Hey, come on, cut your crap
Get it on, I'm kicking back
You've got to, hah hah, to give it to me baby.
Don't you stand over there,
Be a man if you dare
You've got to, hah hah, to treat me like a lady.

I love the way you like me,
the things you say about me.
I like you looking pretty though I look like hell.
I like it when you miss me.
I like it how you kiss me,
I like you looking after me though all is well.

Let's stay in bed all day long, I say
We can do it all in every way
'cause I like it just the way you like it.

Hey, come on, cut your crap
Get it on, I'm kicking back
You've got to, hah hah, to give it to me baby.
Don't you stand over there,
Be a man if you dare
You've got to, hah hah, to treat me like a lady. (x2)

You know my every action
My different reaction
You know what gets me going and what pisses me off
You know I'm not the soft kind
I do what's on my own mind
But suddenly it seems like I can't get enough.

Let's stay in bed all day long, I say
We can do it all in every way
'cause I like it just the way you like it.

Hey, come on, cut your crap
Get it on, I'm kicking back
You've got to, hah hah, to give it to me baby.
Don't you stand over there,
Be a man if you dare
You've got to, hah hah, to treat me like a lady. (x2)

Like a lady

Hey, come on, cut your crap
Get it on, I'm kicking back
You've got to, hah hah, to give it to me baby.
Don't you stand over there,
Be a man if you dare
You've got to, hah hah, to treat me like a lady.(x2)

Hausmylly - Ikävä lokakuuSunnuntai 13.05.2007 16:37

Just Jack - Stars in their eyes.Keskiviikko 02.05.2007 22:25

United as one Sunnuntai 18.03.2007 15:29

From outside,
you can hear the bass
echoing through the building
as you make your way
towards the entrance.
Checking your coat in,
you enter the massive main arena
where thousands are dancing and screaming,
the dj pounds you with hypnotic beats,
the massive lasers pierce the air
amongst the smoke
to form a solid wall of light in the air.
A passing thought in your head
reminds you
moments in life
don't get much better than this...

Machine Men - FallingKeskiviikko 14.03.2007 22:41

The massacre of angels in heaven has begun
the black clouds are moving, covering the sun
Screaming and torture as an echo in the wind
Satan has his lust and the last sin
Jesus is next, deceived once again
Nails are heavy, faith wonÂ’t kill the pain

The whole world is FALLING down with hate

Now the god has taken the part of Judas
Broke the Ten Commandments and sold the crown in shame
As a slave He crawls like us, with a number, no name
Madness is the name of this absurd game
ThereÂ’s the son of god hanging once again
surrounded by the flames of hell

The whole world is FALLING down with hate
The good ones will take it to their graves

Solo: (J-V)
Solo: (Johnny)

Third day is not for resurrection at all
so the tale wonÂ’t be the same anymore

The whole world is FALLING down with hate
The good ones will take it to their graves

The whole world is FALLING down with hate
The good ones will take it to their graves

Machine Men - Circus of foolsSunnuntai 11.03.2007 14:45

A weak boy beneath a blood-red devilmask
Crossing the line inflicting his mess
HeÂ’s not a friend but I wonÂ’t say it to his face
I will turn my back and find my own place – no apologies in vain

Don’t blame me – can’t you see – you’re a clown in a circus of fools
You hate me and I hate you too until IÂ’m six feet down

You donÂ’t know the small word called regret
Distance freezes and IÂ’m not a threat
YouÂ’re not a friend but you will say it to my face
You won’t turn your back or find your own place – no apologies remain

Don’t blame me – can’t you see – you’re a clown in a circus of fools
You hate me and I hate you too until IÂ’m six feet down

Same song – I’m on his way and different than him
IÂ’m wrong, heÂ’s always right trying to be so strong - spits on my face and beats me down but he is not the king with the crown

Don’t blame me – can’t you see – you’re a clown in a circus of fools
You hate me and I hate you too until IÂ’m six feet down

Jes.Maanantai 05.03.2007 16:04

3:en päivän tiivistelmä

Äänekoskella suurinpiirtein 18.30. Sitten kaikeksi suureksi iloksi huomaan että paikkakunnan ainut hotell ei oo auki! Voi vittu.Mie en tunne sieltä ketää ja ees ikinä ollu siellä, niin meinas tulla itku ja äitiä ikävä.Nooo mie tomerana tyttönä meen jutteleen taksi-kuskin kans ja se sitten heittää mut jonneki hevonvitun kuuseen 10 km päähän.Joo kello on 19.30 ja 20.00 pitäis olla painotalolla.Että eipä siinä.Tää kiva taksi-kuski heittää mut samaan hintaan sitten takas Äänekoskelle.20€makso ees taas matka (20 km).Halvalla siis pääsin.Sitten se alkoki se keikka ja oli mukavaa.Pari lämppäriä ja sitten tuliki tää odotetuin..Machine Men!! <sydän> Kaiuttimen vieressä 1 ja ½ tuntia ja kuulo on vieläki vähän heikolla hapella.Mahtavaa oli kuiten.
Keski-yön aikaan sitten takasin sinne keskelle korpea.Käväsin yhellä siiderillä mutta ku meinasin nukahtaa pystyyn,katoin parhaaksi mennä nukkumaan.Nukahinki melkee heti.11.00 oli lähtö sitten Jyväskylään.Tää kiva taksi-kuski heitti mut sinne 25 € vaikka ois oikeesti maksanu 60!!!!!! Upeeta.Juna Kokkolaan lähti sitten 13.22 ja oli perillä 17.57.Juna taas ihan täynnä ja mun paikka oli sitten varmaa viimisiä vapaita paikkoja.Jees.Nyt sitten Kokkolassa ja tutkinu kameran syövereitä ja pari ihan hyvääkin otosta ja videota.Ei tää Äänekosken reissu varmaan sitten ollukkaa huonompi idea. ^__^
Nyt sitten mie oon Kokkolassa kirjastolla. Kohta jonneki syömään.Ollaan mummon kans käyty kaupungilla kaupoissa ja niin pois päin.Pääsis se Jansku nyt vaan koulusta niin vois nähä sitäki.
Niin kävin muuten Jyväskylässä ottaan uudestaa huulikorun.Ei ees sattunu hirveesti.Pitäis käydä vaihtaan lyhyempi koru ku se lävistäjä laitto pidemmän korun sen takia jos huuli turpoaa.Että tällästä.Mutta nyt pois.Tulee kuuma ku on talvitakki päällä ja täällä on ulkona vaan jotai -5.Sisällä sitten varmaan ihan vitun monta lämpö-astetta.

Mutta son moro.

<sydän> Nanski