


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 35Maanantai 15.09.2008 23:15

Monday, 15.9.2008

My energized diary,

I managed to sneak into the maintenance room and set the emergency electicity on. The wires were bitten by someone or something. Must've been the rat that escaped from the lab. No, I've been eating too many chocolate bars and not thinkin straight. No way some rodent can grow some intelligence in just few days. But seeing what has happened just in few days here, I think I should be ready for almost anything. What I saw from the window on my way back here, the whole city is in chaos. I can't even tell who's infected and who's normal. I'm not sure if I wanna go out there. Hope people have evacuated, hope they've managed to contain this whole epidemic. Also managed to gather some random stuff to my room, like flashlights, binoculars, extra batteries, noodles, and a gun with extra clip. I feel like from some video game...

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