


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 41Keskiviikko 10.12.2008 18:57

Wednesday, 10.12.2008

My confused diary,

Why didn't anyone tell me it's Wednesday? I thought it was Tuesday. It doesn't matter which day is it in middle of this chaos, it's just confusing to find out that I've missed one day from my life. When did I miss it? What did I miss? What happened during that time? Did secret agents from my company come and put an implant in me while I was sleeping? Was I abducted by aliens? Am I in the Matrix? What kind of conspiracy is this? What if that Chris I'm following isn't really a human but some alien or program to watch my movements? For some good news, we saw a helicopter above the city today. It missed us though, but at least we know someone still cares for this place. Army helicopter, to be precise. Wonder if we should head for the highest building in this city and start to camp there?

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