


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 72Sunnuntai 11.01.2009 13:01

Sunday, 11.1.2009

In memoriam

My name is Chris Redfield. I'm writing on behalf of the owner of this cell phone, and diary. I've noticed that he writes notes every day on his cell phone, and I've read how things have proceeded since the day of his assignment in Umbrella Corporation.

When we landed down to a military base, they took us into their laboratory for tests. Simon was paranoid enough to give me his cell phone before we landed, as if he didn't trust anyone else than himself and me. Now they've taken him away to research the virus more carefully, keeping him in custody and claiming him as a property of government. I figured out later that his infection was different from the others they've encountered, as he obtains samples of virus, that came from the source. Not sure how did it happen, but they have a theory that he was bitten by a laboratory rat with who he was working with. The vaccine he carried with him, and in his bloodstream, will play a great role in this war against the zombie mutation.

I have to stay in quarantine until I'm totally secured from the virus. Simon will be transferred to area 51 under the name of "Project T". Last time I saw him, he didn't look like human anymore, but has grown big maw and claws. If I ever survive this whole incident and we get an end for this nightmare, I'll look up who this Helen is and tell what has happened, for it seems he barely had any relatives left. Rest in peace Simon, may your soul find the way where it belongs.

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