


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries - Last WordsMaanantai 12.01.2009 11:55

It's over. That's it. No more Umbrella Diaries. It was somewhat nice to write it, even though I was lazy at times and didn't update it as often as I wanted. But anyways, the whole thing is just a fan fiction to Resident Evil series, although I'm not a fan of the thing, slaughtering big mass of zombies just isn't my style. I've never had a chance to get unlimited ammunition for Magnum in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, as it would've required so many hours of game time and gathering credits in those mini games, but I would've liked that very much. Now I'm just babbling. I just wanna say thanks for reading, and bye, even though I don't know who really wanted to read this and who were only peeking on my profile to check out what the heck was happening here.

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