


In pace simul requiescam et dormiam.

Umbrella Diaries 38Maanantai 01.12.2008 12:46

Sunday, 30.11.2008

My smelly diary...

We managed to escape from facility through the sewers, and I believe I stepped on my old pizza I had during June. I'm all glad that human sense of smell gets used to different scents really fast. But not fast enough, as I managed to spill my old noodles on my shoes and sound like those people wandering on the street for a moment. Which brings me a thought and makes me wonder how do they know what to attack? I've seen them eating each others when in need of nourishment, as this situation isn't anything like that 28 Days movie. Perhaps if they rely on scent, we could somehow bath in their body organs to... No.

Umbrella Diaries 37Keskiviikko 19.11.2008 14:03

Wednesday, 19.11.2008

My saving diary,

After been trapped for so long in this city, I'm finally rescued. Not the kind of rescue I'd have imagined, but better than nothing. He's a cop, name was Greendfield or Copperfield, can't remember, had to do something with the colour, looking for his partner or sister or whatever. Can't really imagine that someone else has survived in this whole mess, as all the population look like Peter Jackson's Braindead. Of course he was quite surprised to see me, almost shot me in the face. Guess I look so pale from being indoors for so long. Or because I'm such a nerd scientist. Heard from him that they already tried to use the army troops, but these creeps don't go down so easily, and the infection spreads so fast. I'm just worried if this thing works on animals like flies, small birds, fish, etc. We're screwed.

Umbrella Diaries 36Sunnuntai 19.10.2008 14:36

Sunday, 19.10.2007

My surviving diary,

It has been over month since I recorded anything from my studies. I've tried to save the electricity for my research on finding the cure. The police force of the city has been completely wiped out. They've sent army troops, with failure. The emergency power supply of this city and the facility ran out today as I was so close to my breakthrough in my research, ironically. I'm also afraid that the government denies this whole incident and consider that nobody's left alive in this city. The streets are swarming with diseased necrotic bodies, and they continue to function even though they've been left out without any nutrition. I suspect that their changed metabolism combined with their new feeding habits have kept them alive longer than hoped for. I'm running out of food and water soon, and my only hope is to escape from here, if I manage to find some kind of transportation to pass through all this rubble, wrecked vehicles and festering corpses. The odds are against me, and whoever reads this will know that I've been lucky for managing to survive even this long. Or cursed. the sounds around me keep echoing in my head and making me paranoid, and the silence that flows in the air sometimes makes my mind creating different voices. If I only could get a signal to my laptop or cellular phone, there could be hope. Bah, I bet Friedrich Nietzsche's laughing out there for my dreams, waiting for me to come out just to drag me into this chaotic situation. The more I think about this, the more I just wanna go berzerk and burst out from this apartment and start shooting everything that moves. I bet I'll be so delirious that I'll shoot the ones that are coming to save me. What a way to go.

Umbrella Diaries 35Maanantai 15.09.2008 23:15

Monday, 15.9.2008

My energized diary,

I managed to sneak into the maintenance room and set the emergency electicity on. The wires were bitten by someone or something. Must've been the rat that escaped from the lab. No, I've been eating too many chocolate bars and not thinkin straight. No way some rodent can grow some intelligence in just few days. But seeing what has happened just in few days here, I think I should be ready for almost anything. What I saw from the window on my way back here, the whole city is in chaos. I can't even tell who's infected and who's normal. I'm not sure if I wanna go out there. Hope people have evacuated, hope they've managed to contain this whole epidemic. Also managed to gather some random stuff to my room, like flashlights, binoculars, extra batteries, noodles, and a gun with extra clip. I feel like from some video game...

Umbrella Diaries 34Keskiviikko 10.09.2008 18:35

Wednesday, 10.9.2008

My dark diary...

They cut off the power. Or that's what I thought at first. When the night came, I noticed from the window that none of the buildings in the city had any electricity. I'm trying to save power from my laptop as much as possible. I think I can make the vaccine from my current work progress, needs just a little final tunings, but the problem is that the equipment in the laboratory don't have any power for progressing. I'd need to go down to the electricity room and see if I can switch on the emergency power. For some reason it didn't go on automatically, considering how much stuff will be spoiled if the temperature drops in our cooling units. Or, in worst case scenario, it has been on for days now, but it went empty. What then? I need to get out of this city then, I guess. Where's Rambo?

Umbrella Diaries 33Maanantai 08.09.2008 16:05

Monday, 8.9.2008

My recharged diary...

I ran out of batteries from my phone, so I couldn't work on with my diary for few days. Thanks to my work out and montage soundtrack on laptop, and tv to keep my sanity in this hive of flesh eating corpses, I've managed to gather my courage and make a run to the dressing room where my phone charger was. Of course, after I came back with the recharger, I figured out that I could as well have written my diary in my laptop, doh... Good news is, my muscles don't hurt anymore, guess they're getting used to the work out. Bad news is, the tv doesn't run any programs anymore, there's absolutely nothing on any channel. When I checked things from my laptop, it seems that the programs are still running, but they've managed to knock down the satellite disc of the city. The media outside this city isn't telling the truth about the incidents happening here, seems like the government wants to hide stuff. At least they're telling people not to come here, as there are "terrorist activities" in here. What a bunch of bullsh*t. I wonder what's taking so long with the army anyways... I've been trapped inside this building for days, and I'm running out of snacks at some point. Wonder where are the other snack machines located...?

Umbrella Diaries 32Perjantai 05.09.2008 14:26

Friday, 5.9.2008

My sore and ill diary,

I should clearly recycle my menu, since eating just chocolate bars in one day doesn't seem to do any good for the stomach. Another bad news is, my hands and chest are sore from the work out, I really don't understand how some people have motivation to do all the work. Maybe it'll go away. Or maybe it'll hurt even more! Must be painful to be one of those body builders. But then again, they use steroids... Thinking about it gives me shivers, only needle that's going to touch this skin is the vaccine I'm working on with my laptop. Good news is, I managed to do four push ups today. Which means, in one month I'll be able to do about 33 push ups, and in one year about 368. What a slow progress.

Umbrella Diaries 31Torstai 04.09.2008 09:13

Thursday, 4.9.2008

My hungry diary,

I didn't go to the cafeteria yet. Instead, I broke a snack machine on the corridor and went back to my room watching more sitcoms. I've been doing some push ups (3... Don't blame me, I'm a scientist!), in case I need my muscles to escape from these wretched corpses that don't know they're supposed to stay dead. More Family Guy for me in that case! Ooo, they're also showing Babylon 5 on other channel.

Umbrella Diaries 30Keskiviikko 03.09.2008 09:42

Wednesday, 3.9.2008

My analyzing diary,

Judging from the news, seems like the police and the army can't seem to get any hold of the situation. The targets won't even go down from the bullets or grenades, unless they're totally filled with lead, or get capitated. What is my analysis?

The virus allegedly operates similarly to most other viruses, but also has the abilities to animate dead tissue, to substantially mutate its host, and to infect nearly any tissue in any type of host. It animates dead tissue by killing and replacing any mitochondria in infected cells, and then combining with these cells to produce enough energy for motor and lower brain functions. By doing this, most of the body's systems, such as the circulatory or respiratory systems, are made redundant. However, this process has the drawback of severe necrosis in the host, and produces the distinctive rotted appearance of most hosts. The mutations are produced when the virus incorporates itself into the host's RNA and considerably alters it. Creatures with genetic structures different than humans generally show less severe mutations, and usually only increase in size. As a side effect of the virus' consumption of its host, specifically its digestion of the host's frontal lobes, all hosts suffer from greatly increased aggression. The virus also damages the hypothalamus, which results in a flood of neurotransmitters, enzymes, and hormones which induce a psychopathic rage and hunger in the host. I believe that the hunger for flesh is nothing more than a craving, and infected hosts do not require it for sustenance.

But what do I know? That's only a hypotesis made inside a barricaded room by a hungry and panicking scientist. I don't believe in zombies, and I greatly disbelieve that I'm responsible of creating these things. Still haven't dared to go outside, I believe I can manage one more day without food. But then again, it'd lower my performance later if I'd have to run away from these things at some point. Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow, today I'll just watch sitcoms with very very low volume.

Umbrella Diaries 29Tiistai 02.09.2008 07:10

Tuesday, 2.9.2008

My fellowship of the diary,

I've barricaded myself in my room and been very very quiet. Drank all the sodas for hunger already, didn't touch the alcohols yet, they might turn out to be nice molotov cocktails. Still no word from the police, and the news are telling that they're sending army people in here soon. What the hell is going on in there? I'll wait for one more day, and then I'll try to sneak through the cafeteria, and out of this damn building.