
You and MeMaanantai 12.01.2009 01:53

Feeling blessed by the fact that I'm not alone on this planet
among people who only cares about that they look like each other

Nothing beats the feeling that you're telling me not to fade
to the mass of people who seems to be one person looking from another
how to look one another

Please let me breath the air around
your unjudgeful presence and be only...

One person in the mass has it's own way to walk on this earth and
you thank the god that you've find him

You know that there's no such thing but you thank it anyway because
you have always done like that

It's not the believe of greater presence it's the mass effect of people in the
world who has always judged you by the way you speak with them

Be gracefull for my will to be
not like the rest, to be, only the poor old...

From the beginning I knew that you were knowing I'm not interested
of you because of your shell of beautifulness

At least I hope that the thing that kept me close to you was the
burning desire in your heart to be the one for me
by convincing everyone that you are not like the rest

It's beautiful to realize that
we must be, only the same old
you and me

-Viiville <3

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