


“Never forget how beautiful you are.” – Gerard Way

# Must be crazyMaanantai 17.01.2011 23:56

1: Pistä mediasoittimesi sekalaiselle
2: Kopioi lempikohtasi 10:stä soivasta kappaleesta

O1. Antti Tuisku - Meitä ei oo
Meil ei oo enää aurinkoo
Me nähdään vain se, mitä meil ei oo
kuvia tyhjiä vain

O2.Breathe Carolina - I.D.G.A.F
We're not built to last, shatter like glass, so come on, come on
I don't give a fuck (I.D.G.A.F.)
I cant remember anything, like whats your name?
I don't give a fuck (I.D.G.A.F.)

O3. Katy Perry - Futuristic lover
They say be afraid
You're not like the others
Futuristic lover
Different DNA
They don't understand you

O4. Antti Tuisku - Helsinki
piti piiloutua, ei katseet saaneet osua mun kasvoihin
nyt kaikuu katukivet rakkautta tämän kaupungin

O5. Enrique Iglesias - Could I have this kiss forever?
I want to hold you and touch you taste you
And make you want no one but me
I wish that this kiss could never end
oh baby please

O6. Green Day - Are we the waiting
This dirty town was burning down in my dreams
Lost and found city bound in my dreams

07. Escape the Fate - the Flood
it's on my brain driving me insane
it's on my mind all of the time
and if it left I would be fine

O8. Tokio Hotel - Zoom into me
I know you're scared
When you can't breathe, I will be there
Zoom into me

O9. Ronan Keating - Baby can I hold you tonight
I love you
Is all that you can say
Years gone by and still
Words don't come easily

1O. All Time Low - Damned if I do ya (damned if I don't)
Make a fool of myself
When you hang around
When you're gone
I'm a match that's burning out

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