



Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Kiô says:
we saw yesterday some emo boys and girls...but damn emos here are so ugly XD

Kiô says:
and the girls just looked like bitches

Kitty-ear-girl (L) Strify says:
hah XD I saw two hot emo boys when i was in München Deg's concert XDDDDD

Kiô says:
yea i guess there r some hot emo boys out there.....but not here in magdeburg lol XD

Kitty-ear-girl (L) Strify says:
scheeeeeisseeee XD but hey, here neither XD

Kiô says:
ah but in finland are many cute ppl! well but maybe we live in the wrong city haha

Kitty-ear-girl (L) Strify says:
yes! every cute guys (and girls haha XD) live either in Helsinki or Tampere! and that sucks XD

Kiô says:
yea its the same here~ just that it is berlin (of course)!!!

Kitty-ear-girl (L) Strify says:
of course, Strify is there XDDDDDDDDDD <3

Kiô says:

Kiô says:
i wont say anything now XDDD

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