
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.09.2008 18:25

Call me blind but I didn't see it comin and everybody was runnin but I couldn't
hear nothin, except gun blast, it happened so fast I didn't really know this kid
though I sat by him in class. Maybe this kid was reachin out for love or maybe
for a moment he forgot who he was or maybe this kid just wanted to be hugged,
whatever it was I know its because.

She finds love in all the wrong places the same situations but different faces.
Changed up her pace since her daddy left her too bad he never told her she
deserved much better.
Johnny boy always played the fool, he broke all the rules so you would think he
was cool.
He was never really one of the guys no matter how hard he tried, with the
thought of suicide
It's kinda hard when you ain't got no friends, he put his life to an end they
might remember him then.
You cross a line and there is no turnin back he told the world how he felt with
the sound of a gat.

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