
Christmas!Sunnuntai 06.12.2009 22:06

Hey guys.
I figured to help you all a bit.
We know exactly what we're gonna get for people as christmas presents, but there's some things we really might need.
This is a list for both me and Alex, as we kinda share everything, 'cause we kinda live together.

- Watchmen dvd
- Shaun of the Dead dvd
- Coffeemaker (some fucking coffeemaker that is cheap and about the size of the one we have now. That's a cheap one too, and it has served well for the last about ten years. My parents gave it to me when I moved out and I think it's time for it to get retired.)
- Double bed sheets (160x200. Bunny has been eating all of our sheets. They're full of fucking holes. As a hint, we also have a double blanket, so you know.)

We're also gonna shoot every single person that dares to bring a single dish in this apartment.

Thanks, bye, and happy independence day!

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