
Tein testin ja... O.OKeskiviikko 04.11.2009 20:41

...ja tulos oli tämä:
ahhh u have a Crush!!!! you really seem to like this kid, you think about him a lot, tho things aren't moving very mush at the moment he seems to be all you think about, if you are still worried that he doesn't know you exsist... try to get to know him even better strike up a conversation every now and then and give him some hints that you might like him, if he's worth your time he'll notice you soo

....MÄ EN OLE IHASTUNU KENEENKÄÄN MEIDÄN LUOKAN POIKAAN!! vaan yhteen poikaan jota kukaan meidän luokalla tunne (luojan kiitos)...mutta en kerro kehen ;D

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