
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 14.07.2007 03:57

I'm sexy, I'm cute! I'm popular to boot!

I'm bitchin, great hair! The boys all love to stare!

I'm wanted, I'm hot! I'm everything your not!

I'm pretty, I'm cool! I dominate the school!

Who am I? Just guess! Guys wanna touch my chest!

I'm rockin'! I smile! And many think I'm vile.

I'm flyin', I jump! You can look but don't you hump! Whoo!

I'm major, I roar! I swear I'm not a whore!

We cheer and we lead! We act like we're on speed!

you hate us cause we're beautiful well we don't like u either!

We're cheerleaders! We are cheerleaders! Roll Call!

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