Have you ever woken up in your own vomit?
Dougie: If it wasnt for my hero Harry I was nearly dying.
Harry: Dougie got really pissed on Ouzo and went green and disappeared into the bathroom. He had his head in the loo and was like, Harry dont leave me, Im going to die if you leave me.
Tom: And that was the night we drew on his balls. It was a funny night.
Harry: The bathroom was next to my bedroom, so he was like, Cant I just sleep in your bed, dude? So I was sat on the floor and then he was like, Dude, can you not leave me, can you sleep next to me tonight?
Tom: They didnt get up till about seven, they just napped all afternoon.
NAPPED ALL AFTERNOON, MY ARSE. More like had massive hangovercure!pudd-orgies in Harry's room all afternoon. *snort*