
a brokedown melodyMaanantai 30.06.2008 01:37

OH HAI BOYS, HOW SO HOT YET AGAIN? HOW? HOW SUCH AN AWESOME VIDEO? It isn't fair, I tell you. (Ily anyway, so. <3)

On another note; I'm stuck with the wireless of doom in Porvoo. BHA HA HAAAA. :D I'll still do the fic rec post tomorrow (maybe not) or on Tuesday. SERIOUSLY GUYS, so much shiny pretty fic! *pokes* \o/ You guys have no idea. I've been crying, like, fountains today, reading some of those. AAH <3

On yet another note, I just have to say once again that I kind of love you guys and your crappy epic inside jokes. ALWAYSANDFOREVER<3

(P.S Third day in a row, and Slow Motion is still the king of my playlist. It outrules everything else. YOU GUYS. It makes my heart hurt. <3)

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