
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.10.2008 18:36

LOL WTF i totally got assaulted in my bus. in the bus, what the hell! like, okay, if someone wants to come and preach to me about saving my immortal soul from the eternal fires in hell when I'm walking in town, then be my guest. but plonking down beside me and invading my personal space (ahaha who am I to talk I always invade people's personal spaces :DD /loser) when I'm READING A BOOK and LISTENING TO MY iPOD = NOT COMMUNICATING WITH PEOPLE? and right then starting to tell me that rock music will damn me to the deepest ends of hell and reading the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy is an offence against God and he loves me and wants to save me and shit? NOT. COOL. not cool at all.

omg dnw. /o\

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