Can I just say, how amused I am by
A) RYLAND BLACKINGTONS BLOG. Oh my god, he wins at life. \o/
B) the fact that my Honey Nut Cheerios are misshaped and look totally weird and I don't know if I dare to eat them in fear of them morphing into life and start to gnaw on my digestion system from the inside.
C) watching my mum scare away the old Jehova's Witness-ladies, who have kept disturbing me for the past two months - and always when I'm in my PJ/underwear, mind - so that they almost ran just to get away from her? MY MUM WINS. \o/
D) my iTunes being all wonky and returning to Savage Garden's Truly Madly Deeply all.the.time. Like, I click a song, I listen to it, and next up is Savage Garden. So I click next, listen to whatever, and next up is Savage Garden AGAIN. And so I click next, listen, and guess what comes up next?
...if you said something else than Savage Garden, I'm gonna kick you in the nuts. :D
'kay, ending randomness of today. *waves*
A) If you don't believe me, watch this. I mean, SERIOUSLY. I DIED. *heartseyes*
B) I ate the Honey Nut Cheerios. IDK if they are gonna start eating me from the inside, but they made me bite my cheek three times. THREE. TIMES. DIE, BASTARDS, DIE. *chews violently*
D) Still Savage Garden. \o/