OMNOMNOMNOM I totally had a dream about Hot Beanie Guy (aka HBG) from my bus when I passed the fuck out a few hours ago. YOU GUYS, HE'S SO PRETTY, I AM NOT KIDDING, HE MAKES MY LOINS QUIVER! (and he's got seriously amazing hands, you guys, his haaaaaaaands.
and omg, OMG, DOUGIE LOOKALIKE! (aka HBG's Friend) I just stared and was all "...omg. OMG THERE IS A GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE DOUGIE POYNTER IN MY BUS. EXCUSE ME WHILE I FUCKING _FLAIL_!". (then I sent a flaily text to Salla who called me a freak. hmpf. :PP)
HBG wins all, though. (HAAAAAAAANDS! \o/)
anyway, when I got home I had a shower and then I just passed out on on my bed, being all dead like a... seriously dead thing. oh sleep, I like you so much, when did our relationship become this scarce. after just one blissful hour of sleep the bastard of a brother woke me up, though (which, okay, I had asked him to, but. still! SLEEP!) and I'm almost 100% sure that it was HBG I spotted in K-Market? or, y'know, his seriously hot brother. or then I was just hallucinating from lack of sleep, but. IT LOOKED LIKE HIM, OKAY? OR, Y'KNOW, VAGUELY. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN HIM. I WAS HALF ASLEEP. \o/ sorry, this has no point. i'm gonna go back sleep now. :D
(also, I really want to watch the VP-debate with Palin - apparently she was pretty faily? which, hey, no news, but - but right now I think I'd just stare at the screen like a goldfish and then yell random insults at the screen - or, y'know, Sarah Palin, but she wouldn't hear it - and then pass out. I'm fine with the insult part, but the passing out in the middle of the debate; not so cool. so, some other day. AHAHA I WILL ENJOY SEEING YOU GO DOOOOOOOOOOWN, YOU ALASKAN BITCH. um.)