
Hail to HendrixTiistai 27.11.2007 00:44

Jimi Hendrixin Wind Cries Mary on täydellinen iltabiisi, just siihen aikaan ku on niin väsyny et jos hetkekski laittaa simmut kii ni eiköhä uni tuu. ;P

After all the jacks are in their boxes
and the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness staggering on down the street
footsteps dressed in red
And the wind whispers Mary
A broom is drearily sweeping
up the broken pieces of yesterdays life
Somewhere a queen is weeping
Somewhere a king has no wife
And the wind, it cries Mary
The traffic lights, they turn, uh, blue tomorrow
and shine their emptiness down on my bed
The tiny island sags down stream
'cause the life that lived is,
is dead
And the wind screams Mary
Uh-will the wind ever remember
the names it has blow in the past?
And with this crutch, its old age, and its wisdom
it whispers no, this will be the last
And the wind cries Mary

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