
064Sunnuntai 05.12.2010 21:39


063Keskiviikko 01.12.2010 21:00

Day 01 - A song that you hate
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to

Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 20 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 21 - A song from a band you hate
Day 22 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 23 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 24 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 25 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 26 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 27 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 28 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 29 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 30 - A song from your childhood.

062Keskiviikko 01.12.2010 20:53

✖ Onko joku halannut sinua viimeisen kuukauden sisällä? - joo
✖ Oletko ikävöinyt jotain kovasti? - joo
✖ Missä kuussa olet syntynyt? - toukoo
✖ Kuinka pitkä olet? - jottain 158
✖ Miksi olit viimeksi surullinen? - hmh
✖ Milloin viimeksi nauroit? - tännään
✖ Mille ? - varmaan sannille tai jollekkii
✖ Milloin olit viimeksi autossa? - tännään
✖ Milloin olet viimeksi pelännyt pimeää? - ääsken
✖ Viimeisin soitettu biisi - hurts - stay
✖ Haluaisitko nyt halata tai hakata jotain tiettyä ihmistä? - mmm
✖ Oletko koskaan tippunut portaat takaperin? - ööm en kai
✖ Oletko opettanut ketään polttamaan? - njoo :D
✖ Puhutko tunteistasi helposti? - öööm
✖ Tietävätkö vanhempasi sinusta kaiken? – ei
✖ Tappeletko veljen tai siskon kanssa? – joskus
✖ Onko koulussa ollut mukana tupakkatuotteita? - joo
✖ Entä alkoholia? – ei kai
✖ Oletko nukkunut tunnilla? - en kai?
✖ Viimeisin ihminen joka tekstasi sinulle? - erno :D::D
✖ Viimeisin henkilö jota halasit? - ööm
✖ Viimeisin saamasi kortti? - mopokortti :D
✖ Mieliala? - väsyttäää
✖ Mikä soi? - musiikki?
✖ Mikä huolestuttaa? - monikii asia
✖ Oletko lyönyt tai läppäissyt vastakkaista sukupuolta? - joo
✖ Katunut jotain tekoa viikkoja? - jooo
✖ Onko joku ystäväsi pettänyt sut? - joo
✖ Onko ollut mukava päivä? - no emt

061Tiistai 30.11.2010 00:14

Day 01 - A song that you hate
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event

Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 20 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 21 - A song from a band you hate
Day 22 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 23 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 24 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 25 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 26 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 27 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 28 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 29 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 30 - A song from your childhood.

060Sunnuntai 28.11.2010 02:46

My whole life waiting for the right time
To tell you how I feel.
Know I try to tell you that I need you.
Here I am without you.
I feel so lost but what can I do?
'Cause I know this love seems real
But I don't know how to feel.

We say goodbye in the pouring rain
And I break down as you walk away.
Stay, stay.
'Cause all my life I felt this way
But I could never find the words to say
Stay, stay.

Alright, everything is alright
Since you came along
And before you
I had nowhere to run to
Nothing to hold on to
I came so close to giving it up.
And I wonder if you know
How it feels to let you go?

059Sunnuntai 28.11.2010 01:11

Day 01 - A song that you hate
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere

Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 20 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 21 - A song from a band you hate
Day 22 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 23 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 24 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 25 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 26 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 27 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 28 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 29 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 30 - A song from your childhood.

058Lauantai 27.11.2010 03:10

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just wnat you to know

I found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with every day
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's I need you to hear

I found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just wnat you to know

I've a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

057Lauantai 27.11.2010 02:11

8 totuutta nykyhetkestä
- Oletko surullinen? - eempä pahemmin
- Miksi? - noku ei aina jaksa angstata
- Onko sinulla lävistyksiä? - jooo
- Mitä sinulla on päälläsi? - univaatteet :D = vihreet pyjamahousut missä on elefantteja ja vihree toppi missä on elefantti jaja huppari :d
- Oletko tyytyväinen elämääsi? - toisaalta joo ja toisaalta EN
- Minkälainen olo sinulla on nyt? - semmonen
- Onko koruja päällä nyt? - lävistyskorut + rippiristi
- Onko sänkysi pedattu? - eei

8 totuutta eilisestä
- Halasitko ihastustasi? - ennn tiedä omistanko sellaista
- Olitko tietokoneella? - en pahemmin ite asiassa, ehkä vartin :o
- Tajusitko jotain uutta? - ainahan sitä
- Teitkö jotain mitä et tee yleensä? - ööm joo
- Käytitkö jotain päihdettä? - en
- Teitkö yhtään urheilusuoritusta? - joo :D
- Monelta aloit nukkua? - joskus puol yhen jälkeen

8 satunnaista
- Nimesi? - anni
- Lempinumero? - 9
- Lempikouluaine? - yhteiskuntaoppi, äidinkieli
- Kännykän merkki? - nokiaaa
- Monta kirjainta on toisessa nimessäsi? - viiisi
- Lempilaulajasi? - monia

8 totuutta viimeisimän viestin lähettäjästä
- Oletko nähnyt hänet tänään? - enn
- Oletko puhunut hänelle tänään? - mesessäää
- Kauan olette tunteneet? - kauan
- Onko hän ollut luonasi? - njoo
- Oletteko nukkuneet samassa sängyssä? - juuu ;d
- Onko hän nuorempi vai vanhempi? - vanhempii

056Lauantai 27.11.2010 01:51

Day 01 - A song that you hate
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad
Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone

+ monia muita
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 20 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 21 - A song from a band you hate
Day 22 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 23 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 24 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 25 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 26 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 27 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 28 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 29 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 30 - A song from your childhood.

055Tiistai 23.11.2010 23:34

Day 01 - A song that you hate
Day 02 - A song that makes you happy
Day 03 - A song that makes you sad

on paljo muitakii mut tämä tuli ekana mieleen.

Day 04 - A song that reminds you of someone
Day 05 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 06 - A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 07 - A song that you can dance to
Day 08 - A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 09 - A song from your favorite band
Day 10 - A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 11 - A song that describes you
Day 12 - A song from your favorite album
Day 13 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re angry
Day 14 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re happy
Day 15 - A song that you listen to when youÂ’re sad
Day 16 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 17 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 18 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 19 - A song that you know all the words to
Day 20 - Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 21 - A song from a band you hate
Day 22 - A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 23 - A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 24 - A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 25 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 26 - A song that makes you laugh
Day 27 - A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 28 - A song that you wish you could play
Day 29 - A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 30 - A song from your childhood.