
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.03.2006 16:31


I just started to like it terribly
The monsters that inhabit my nightmares
Every night I take my dreams
To the darkest infinite.

Where the most cruel terror
Create the fantasy of bad dreams.
That's where I want to go. (2x)

My reality is lost. So lost as a life could be.
So maybe for that I ll look for this, This place of horror that I like so much.

That I finally can call home.
I hate when I have to wake up.
That's where I want to go.

Every drugs I will take.
At once, I dont want to fail.
the search that I do every day,
Will end I wont search anymore.

Ill get forever at last On the place that Ill call home
Where the worst monsters will be waiting for me.

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