
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 13.03.2006 10:48

I tried so hard just to make a start
And every day I think of a way
To make you all mine
But it seems to be it seems to me
That I am out on a mission

Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible it seems to be, mission Impossible it seems to me
Check it out

Please tell me baby tell me what you need
You want more style or am I too shy for you
Make me see you belong to me
But it seems to be it seems to me
That I am out on a mission

Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible it seems to be, mission Impossible it seems to me
Check it out

You mess around with every man in town
The only man you never see
That lonely man that man is me
But it seems to be it seems to me
That I am out on a mission

Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible it seems to be, mission Impossible it seems to me
Check it out

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