


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

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Someone Else's FoolTorstai 24.01.2008 18:52

I've never seen you in a dream
So you must be real
I've never seen you naked
But at least I get what I've seen
I've never seen you cry
So at least I know you're cheerful, too
...I've never seen you care
So you must be someone else's fool

I've never seen you take a shit in front of me
So I guess you don't dare
I've never seen you beat up a guy before
I swear!
I've only seen you light up the place with your smile
For good
Because of that light it's a shame you're someone else's fool

'Cause we need the light
To live our lives
As we stumble through the night
We need the light
To live our lives
Outside, outside the blinds

I've never seen you strip
So you must be a virgin, still
I've never seen you pay for a drink, so
...forget what I just said
I've never seen you lead, I have never watched you rule
And because of that I think that you must be someone else's fool

We need the light
To live our lives
As we stumble through the night
We need the light
To live our lives
Outside, outside the blinds

I've never seen you care
I think you've never seen me
Although I am always there

So who needs the light to live
If we fail to give
Each other a smile per day
We can stumble in
And we can certainly stumble out
Miss the light we're here without

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