


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

Explaining Necessary?Maanantai 28.01.2008 13:14

Oh, right... I'm sorry about the amount of angst that's spreading inside this "Blog". I assure you, this is only temporary.
If you find yourself offended by this large quantity of emo-ness, please make sure to include me on your little "black list" of sorts. That way the problem should be easily solved.

This blog happens to be my only way to communicate with the source- and target of my passion and light, and since there are many ways to mistake my words for something offensive, I have to explain things in tiny details.
Do not be alarmed by the state of expression that this blog has/will been/be for some time. It is simply a type of code-language that only two people can decypher (that I know of).
When this little ruse is over, this blog will surely revert back to it's original form - although it might be pretty much similar to this one since the life of a 19-year old student is filled with angst of all sorts.

...hopefully not by then.

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