"Ihmiset on helppoa korvata toisilla ihmisillä
Mikä on hankalampaa, on paikkojen korvaaminen toisilla paikoilla"
Tässäkös kirjastossa istun ja odottelen, että aurinko edes hetkeksi pilkahtaisi pilvien takaa. Sinä sekuntina minä ja olueni ryntäämme teatterille ja toivomme, ettei siellä ole piripäitä kuten pari viikkoa sitten. : D
Tähän vielä lisää quottia
"There is a world inside everyone of us. It is located in our imaginations, fueled by our thoughts and restricted by what we perceive as the rules of the universe. For it is man who creates those rules, all the while restricting and simultaneously creating the world that is inside and all around him. Perhaps, when we pass, the world and all it's inhabitants shall pass. The souls of the world shall merge and recreate the soul that, once again, becomes the world, becomes us. Speculating is believing, believing is creating, creating is restricting and restricting is filling up the space inside the borders."