


You may not be flawless, but you are perfect.

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

You're BeautifulKeskiviikko 29.08.2007 01:23

My life is brilliant
Your life's a joke
You're just pathetic
You're always broke

You're home-made Star Trek-uniform
Really ain't impressing me
You're suffering from delusions of

You're pitiful
You're pitiful
You're pitiful
It's true

Never had a date
That you couldn't inflate
And you smell repulsive too
What a bummer being you

Well, you just can't dance
And forget romance:
Everybody you know still calls you
"Farty pants"

But you always have a job
Well, I mean,
As long as you still can work that slurpy-machine

You're pitiful
You're pitiful
You're pitiful
It's true

You're half undressed
Eating chips off your chest
While you're playing Halo 2
No one's classier than you


You're pitiful
You're pitiful
You're pitiful
It's true

Your dog would much rather play fetch by itself
You still live with your mom and you're 42

Guess you'll never grow up true
'Cause it just sucks being you

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