Ode to Fridge
Fridge, you're always there when I need you
You're always happiest when I feed you
You never let things get heated, you always keep it cool
To let someone nuke you, I'd be a total fool.
Fridge, you're always there when I'm lonely
To offer comfort (food) and that's only
Part of it, because you're my Fridge hero
And without you I'd be less than zero
Oh, Fridge! you're the Denny Crane of my kitchen
You're steadfast, sturdy, you're downright bitchin'
Because you're so good, others would see you maligned
But you can take it, after all, you're lead-lined.
Oh, Fridge, what I really want to say
Is that if you're male, then I guess I'm gay
Inside you, I'd survive bombs, even hazing
You see, Fridge, that's you, and you're amazing.