


My heart is just too dark to care about yu.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.09.2009 23:39

I don't need nothing at all
Nothing but your kiss
Nothing but your arms
I don't need nothing at all

But somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love

I know I'm missing for a word
I'm not trying to say a thing
I'm trying to live in this moment
Count all the sins, what it says

I don't need nothing at all
Nothing but your touch
Nothing but your hand
I don't need nothing at all

I need somebody to love
Somebody to hold
Somebody that I can feel in my blood
Somebody to hold
Somebody to own
Somebody to make me feel I'm in love.

( Nelly Furtado - Somebody to love )

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