


muokkaa tilaansa

Chaos called the truthMaanantai 03.04.2006 00:41

As I was walking trough the gates of hell I stopped to think were everythingwent wrong. Well i think it started at this rainy sunday afternoon, when Jaagup was getting woods from nearby forrest. I was just walking at my place trying to remember what i was doing. Suddenly i got this need to run, so i put on my shoes and went out, but as i stepped out some yelled at me something i didint quite unserstand. She was calling help i realized later when i was going to my friends castle to expand my mind. On the way to there i had this weird accident. I woke up from hospital at the next morgning. I tried to get up but i couldnt cos i had no leggs. I screamed for someone but no one came so i went back to sleep. I woke up about two hours later when this smelly old doctor was shaking me. "Get up." He said. "Lets go". He said. Then i had a total blackout. Next thing i can remember is that i wokeup from cafeteria near Slovenia. I was littlebit confusled cos suddenly i had got my leggs back. Allmost everything was going to hell, but still i felt happy.


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