


Nora <3 9812 <3 12913 <3

skeittaus Tiistai 19.05.2009 16:18

Kevään ensimmäiset asvalti ihottumat, mut ei viimeiset ;)
Vitut väliä.
The Devil's own

Where did I go wrong? Who was I supposed to be?
No matter what I've done, you've always criticized me
What did I do wrong? What was I supposed to be?
When it's said and done, will you remember...

Slap on the wrist, smack in the face
The family tree, gave me a name and nothing more
Neglected seed, why!?

It's because of you I'm broken
It's because of you I'm dead inside
I never asked to be here
It's because of you I'm godforsaken
I never wanted this
It's because of you I'm dead inside


A happy home, a fairy tale, a broken dream
Gave me a life, then turned away
Killed everything, why!?


Father, bastard, I'm the Devil's very own
Mother, know not, just who I've become
Father, hate me, for being all your not
Mother's baby, I hate what I've become
I hate what I've become
I hate what I've become

It's because of you I'm broken
It's because of you I'm dead inside


<3Tiistai 24.03.2009 23:32

Biisi joka minut saa syttymään <3 :)

...Tiistai 17.03.2009 02:25

Hyvä mieli : perjantaita odotettaessa ;).

Huono mieli : </3 :/ ikävä.

Story's of my road of life go on and on.

Kuunelkaa Acoustic Cover Slipknot - Wait and bleed, linkki ---^

Mahtava biisi akustisella kitara.

Sellasta.Maanantai 16.03.2009 02:05

Muistoja ajatellessani, odotan sinun sanovan minulle "Rakastan sinua".
Muistoissani olet aina ensimmäisenä.
Olet minulle valo pimeässä kuin Kuu Tähti taivaalla, joka minut sinun luoksesi tuo.
Olet minulle valo joka minua kantaa eteenpäin.
En ole valmis lopettamaan elämääni ennen kun olen saanut sinulta suudelman.
En ole valmis heittämään toivoa hukkaan.
Kaikki nämä päivät/yöt olen sinua vain miettinyt.
En saa sinua minun mielestä pois. (Olen yrittänyt)

Olet minun elämän loisto, joka ei sammu ikinä.

Onko Tämä Unta vai Muistoa?

Slipknot - VEmilion Pt.2Sunnuntai 15.03.2009 18:50

She seemed dressed in all of me
Stretched across my shame
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me
I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do
I don't know what to do
When she makes me sad

She is everything to me
The unrequited dream
A song that no one sings
The unattainable
She's a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I don't know what to do (2x)
When she makes me sad

But I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me (3x)

A catch in my throat
Choke, torn into pieces I won't
No, I don't want to be this


She isn't real
I can't make her real

Wait And Bleed..Lauantai 14.03.2009 02:43

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander over where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed


I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can't control my shakes
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn't like this
Is it a dream or a memory?


Get outta my head 'cause I don't need this
Why didn't I see this?
I'm a victim - Manchurian candidate
I have sinned by just
Makin' my mind up and takin' your breath away



You haven't learned a thing
I haven't changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free

I've felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed

And it waits for you

Stupid, Tired.Torstai 12.03.2009 04:52

Missing u was just one kiss.
Missing u was Just one sorrow.
Missing u was just one.
Missing u was just Dream.
Missing u was just Future.

I'm Off of my Road.
I dont know what to do.
I love u.
I can't stop Dreaming of you. :/
I can't wait a second night with out u.
I'm nothing with out you.
I'm Empty inside.

She seems dressed in all the rings... Of past fatalities
So fragile, yet so devious - She continues to see
Climatic hands that press her temples and my chest
Enter the night that she came home - Forever

Oh... She's the only one that makes me sad

She is everything and more, the solemn hypnotic
My dahlia, bathed in possesion - She is home to me
I get nervous, perverse, when I see her, it's worse
But the stress is astounding
It's now or never, she's coming home - Forever

Oh... She's the only one that makes me sad

Hard to say what caught my attention
Fixed and crazy - Aphid attraction
Carve my name in my face - To recognize
Such a pheromone cult to terrorize

I won't let this build up inside of me...

I'm a slave and I am a master
No restraints and unchecked collectors
I exist to my need - To self-oblige
She is something in me - That I despise

I won't let this build up inside of me...

She isn't real - I can't make her real

All That Remains - Forever in your hands.Keskiviikko 11.03.2009 12:37

I know that I can stand my head high
Forget not where I fall
Still I find why and reason

Yet that conflict still filling me
Mistrust venom inside of me
I am not the man that you see
Just look inside me

Trust in me the way I trusted you
I know we could have done this together
If you believed in me like I believed in you
My heart would be forever in your hands

How I miss February still
Now that this becomes the moment
Of all our failures

