I'm going to my fathers grandmother today, it's her birthday, she's 90 years old today. I would just want to stay home, with my computer...
ou, and one thing, don't call me today, I can't speak, my voice is gone, I sang singstar for 5 and a half hour yesterday...
I'm realy confused, yeasterday you started to talk with me, but you were angry, and it wasn't nice to talk with you...
half an hour later you talked with me again, but then you were like the sunshine itself. Then I talked with you from seven until one in the night. And you were sooooo nice then, but I'm still afraid of you, I'm scared, because I don't know what you can do with my heart and I really hate knowing nothing bout the persons I'm talking with and so.
I've figured out that I'm like a cactus, always with the thorns outwards, because I'm so soft inside, so I've to protect myself from everyone.
(don't complain on my spelling )