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Tulta Päin 2012Sunnuntai 22.07.2012 04:04

paras leiri ikinä!<3

you know if ur a figure skater when...Lauantai 07.07.2012 03:39

... You go to a dance with your skating partner and do lifts to rap music (oh're cool!) -You cant listen to a piece of music (even if its rap) without immediately thinking of how you would skate to it. -When a friend tells you "oh he got a mohawk" you think shes talking about the skating move and not the hair style. -You've dreamt of driving the zamboni -The rink people took pity on you and actually let you take the zamboni on a joy ride. -Watching public skaters walk on cement with their blades makes you want to scream. -You think you're just the coolest person ever screaming synchro team cheers at the top of your lungs at a Mcdonalds on the way to Lake Placid. -You've gotten used to the wierd looks when you go into the supermarket in a skating dress and tights...but you still wear your club jacket with the huge "____ Skating Club" written on the back, just in case anyone wonders. -Counting the number of holes in your tights becomes a competitive sport. -Counting the number of holes/bruises on your legs becomes an even more competitive sport. -You go trick-or-treating around the ice rink because "practice isnt cancelled for halloween" -You and your friend can polish off a whole bag of chinese food in between sessions because you have been skating for two hours already and are STARVING! -You have supersupersupersuper ultra hair spray and have developed an allergy from using it so much. -Your parents have taken the red-eye flight across the country to see you skate without missing work. -You have so many skating ornaments on your christmas tree (because thats what EVERYONE gives you...except other skaters, who know that you probably have a ton) that the tree falls over under the weight -Your first thought upon falling is, "well at least I dont have to ICE it" -Your partner cracks a funny joke while youre waiting for the music to begin at a competition just to make you smile...but then you cant stop laughing and have to skate the whole program trying not to crack up in front of the judges. -You think falling 8093475928357927365918374912387651983571935 times in one practice is a GOOD day -You fall really hard at a huge competition (not a GOOD day)but get up and finish with a smile even though youre crying. -Youre parents and coach give you a hug anyway and tell you that you did your best and theyre proud of you... and that suddenly makes it all ok. - You try to drag your younger siblings to skating, and tell them to get up when they fall - You never cry when you fall on land, because concrete is so much softer than ice - You can't wear mini skirts becuse you have cuts and blisters all over your legs from falling on the ice - You spend your free time sewing beads on costumes to save money - You spend all your time on skating websites under the cover of "checking emails" - Your non skating friends don't understand how you can want to hang out at a dingey old rink for hours a week, and when you try to explain, they interrupt with "but, it's so gross" - The rink owners know you by name, and if you go to a public session, they let you go on a little early so that you can have the ice to yourself - You've tried so many times to get a job in the rink canteen, just so you can spend time aroudn the skaters - but they wont give it to you because they know that you're going to actually USE all the free ice time!

ootte tärkeitä, love you all <3Keskiviikko 14.03.2012 01:01

sä kysyit kumpaa mä rakastan enemmän: sua vai elämää. mä vastasin elämää. sä suutuit, lähdit pois etkä koskaan tullu takasin. en kerenny sanoo, et sä oot mun elämä.
ootte tärkeitääääää <3

mammat riivaa :D:DDDKeskiviikko 12.10.2011 02:19

kuunnelkaa epävirallinen kesähitti mammat riivaa XDXDXD

FIGURE SKATING <3Lauantai 27.08.2011 02:14

Skating is something that most people will never understand. It's not just a sport or something to do. It's a way of life. Once you're in it, it's in your blood. Once you land your first jump or carve your first edge, you can't stop. The rink is home away from home. You love the smell of that ice and hearing the glide of a blade is like music to your ears. ♥

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.06.2011 02:23

Laita tähän yksityisellä lause
joka kuvaa minua, esimerkiksi ''olet kuin sisko minulle''
Et voi uskoa kuinka onnelliseksi oikeasti tulet kun näet mitä kaverisi laittavat sinulle. kopioi sitten omaan blogiisi !

sydännSunnuntai 28.11.2010 21:17

Jos välität minusta edes vähän, paina sydän oletuskuvaani
sen jälkeen kopio omaan blogiisi ja näät ketkä välittää susta (=

no vastaa (:Torstai 18.11.2010 22:57

1. jos olisin onnetomuudessa ja joutuisin sairaalaan, tulisitko katsomaan minua?
2. jos kuolisin, tulisitko hautajaisiini?
3. lähtisitkö kanssani elokuviin?
4. halaisisitko minua?
5. suutelisitko minua?
6. haluaisitko tavata minut?
7. suostuisitko jos pyytäisin sinua yhteen?
8. olenko komea/kaunis?
9. mitä ajattelet minusta?
10. haluaisitko tutustua?
11. paljonko tiedät minusta?
12. mikä minussa on parasta/hyvää?
13. mikä minussa on huonoa/pahaa?
14. lisäätkö tämän blogiisi että voin vastata?

yksäril mieluiten, mut ei pakol.

nononoMaanantai 15.11.2010 23:28

Millaista elämäsi olisi ilman minua? Aloita vastauksesi ''ilman sua...'',vastattuasi, kopioi seinällesi ja katso millaista muiden elämä olisi ilman sinua.

Perjantai 12.11.2010 22:54

Mitä jos joku tulisi kertomaan sinulle että paras ystäväsi lähti. Kysyisit kai "Minne?" . Se joku katsoo sinua synkin silmin ja vastaa "parempaan paikkaan". Siinä vaiheessa tiedät jo mitä se tarkoittaa. Pidetään ystävistämme kiinni niin kauan kuin he meillä vielä ovat. Ei anneta pikku riitojen tuhota sitä mikä on ollut meille erittäin tärkeää. Kopioi tämä blogiisi jos sinulla on edes joku josta välittää ♥
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