


saa kommentoida! :3

..Tiistai 06.03.2012 16:01

I should have known better Than to let you go alone, ItÂ’s times like these I canÂ’t make it on my own Wasted days, and sleepless nights And I canÂ’t wait to see you again I find I spend my time Waiting on your call, How can I tell you, baby My backÂ’s against the wall I need you by my side To tell me itÂ’s alright, Â’cos I donÂ’t think I can take anymore Is this love that IÂ’m feeling, Is this the love, that IÂ’ve been searching for Is this love or am I dreaming, This must be love, Â’cos itÂ’s really got a hold on me, A hold on me... I canÂ’t stop the feeling IÂ’ve been this way before But, with you IÂ’ve found the key To open any door I can feel my love for you Growing stronger day by day, AnÂ’ I canÂ’t wait to see you again So I can hold you in my arms Is this love that IÂ’m feeling, Is this the love, that IÂ’ve been searching for Is this love or am I dreaming, This must be love, Â’cos itÂ’s really got a hold on me, A hold on me... Is this love that IÂ’m feeling, Is this the love, that IÂ’ve been searching for... Is this love or am I dreaming, Is this the love, that IÂ’ve been searching for...

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