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Selaa blogimerkintöjä

such a cute gay supermodelPerjantai 05.03.2010 18:21

'You have incredible taste! Why the lust for designer clothes?

Tre Cool: Because I'm a male supermodel!

This is your second day donating. Why did you choose Out of the Closet?

The services! I love what they do, the help is direct, it goes right to the people who need it. This particular store is my favorite, it's got such a cool vibe, with cool people working in it. I also like the free HIV testing at the Polk St. and Church St. stores.

Do you think Green Day will ever write and perform something gay-specific, like a song about someone gay?
Well, we're all pretty gay, so I don't think that's necessary!

Future projects?
Taking our musical American Idiot to Broadway.'

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