


on ilolla paha ihminen.

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.05.2010 03:36

Pessimist you call me I'll be round
to bring you down
My friendships underrated I've been crowned
Queen for letting you down
Give me your heart I'll give it back
All battered and torn
Every silver lining has its cloud
Can I be yours now?

And I'll
Sit on your face and say I love you
And leave you the next day
For someone who owes you
You put you trust in me
To discover no less than a twist in my sobriety
And when you need me the most
I'll be pissed off my face or stoned
And I'll be loving it, yeah
You can count on me

Here I am you prized
And weighted catch
I've been found faulty
Just give me a chance I'll stab you in the back
Please put your trust in me
I am the itch you can't scratch
Here try this dagger
Put your trust in me

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