


saa heitaa heart, toki saa tutustuu always around u

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 13.04.2010 16:55

If you only knew,

That you are not what you say.

If only I can have you see,

How beautiful you are in every way.

If you only knew,

The reason you are such a mess.

Is not because you are alone,

But because you settle for less.

If only you can see,

What I can see in yourself.

The true dark image,

Of what I see in myself.

Why do you think such things?

Till this day I don't know.

Why do you think you are alone?

When love surrounds your soul.

If only you can see,

If only you could know.

That all the darkness within,

Is only but a faint glow.

If only you could see,

That within every breath I make,

Your body, soul and heart,

Is what I desire to take.

If only with one breath,

One kiss, and you will be mine.

If only I can have your love,

From now, until the end of time.

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