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"What's a Valhalla?"

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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.07.2013 15:31

Ne, jotka ehkä hyvällä munkillä tätä paskaa vielä stalkkaa:

siirrän olemukseni Keravalta Vantaalle ens kuun alussa. Pysyvästi. Takas en vittu tule.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.01.2013 23:00

No, meikäläistä ei suuremmalti enää täällä näy. Joten ne, joita ees vähääkään kiinnostaa lukea jotain mitä oon keksiny suoltaa, voi siirtää itsensä Tumblrin puolelle selailemaan.


*facedesk x1000*Torstai 04.10.2012 21:29

Mä tuhlaan just aikaani kuuntelemalla Dirun levyä. Ja huomaan taas sen syyn, miksen mä enää ostanu Uroborosta ja sen jälkeisiä julkasuja.

Mä toivon, ihan oikeasti toivon, että mä löytäisin ees YHDEN UUDEN biisin, josta mä pitäisin edes VÄHÄSEN. Mut jos meno on samanlaista lopuissaki biiseissä mitä näissä ensimmäisissä, niin mä totean että se täysin tuhlattua aikaa jonka ois voinu käyttää paremmin.

Pahottelen, etten osta kaikkea automaattisesti jossa lukee Dir en grey, koska se nimi ei enää Uroboroksen jälkeen taannu laatua ollenkaan.

ANTEEKS?Tiistai 24.04.2012 13:57

Millon tämä kävi?! http://ameblo.jp/nobita-blog/

Pyhä helvetin jumala, panisin.

Ja kuten aina...Perjantai 22.07.2011 06:07

On lievästi sanottuna orgasminen olo liven jälkeen. Kurenain outfit ei koskaan petä, missään olosuhteessa. Meen jonnekin nurkkaan leikkiin ameebaa hetkeks, älykkyysosamäärä tipahti samalle tasolle tossa noin puol tuntia sitten...

Since it's official...Tiistai 19.07.2011 02:30

Te kaikki, jotka tahdotte, liittykää.

In the loving memory of Taiji Sawada

Taiji...Sunnuntai 17.07.2011 19:44

"As reported by several japanese news websites, Taiji passed away today."

Mä en oikeesti tiedä mitä mun kuuluis sanoa... Taiji-pieni... Oikeesti... miks? Sulla oli projekteja ja ties mitä ja... Mä en tiedä. Taiji... Kukaan ei oikeesti tuu olemaan sua lahjakkaampi basisti, ikinä. <3

Rest in peace honey. </3

Can has plox? <3Keskiviikko 18.05.2011 13:10

8DTiistai 05.04.2011 15:42

Bio 4 on virallisesti julkastu. 8D Ja mulla on taas yks suosikki lisää. 8D

Which Death Note Character Are You?Maanantai 16.08.2010 19:51

My #1 is: Matt [ Loyal ] "But it's so boring watching something that never changes..." Matt is only seen for about 13 panels in the whole series, but still has a very distinct personality. He's a good spy despite a tendency to let down his guard, a video game fan, and a smoker. He also is stated in canon to have been from Wammy's orphanage in England. Matt appears to be almost normal, Unlike the rest of the kids from Wammy's orphanage. [Quoted from Broken Heros]

My #2 is: Mello [ Zealous ] "I will become number one!!" Bullheaded and daring to the point of foolhardiness, brilliant, with a permanent chip on his shoulder from years of being bested by his rival. Willing to sacrifice standard scruples and moralities to avenge the death of his hero and win the game of Kira. Also, he's addicted to chocolate bars. [Quoted from Broken Heros]

My #3 is: L [ Creative ] "Justice will Prevail." His personality is supposed to counter Light Yagami, the “genius, pretty boy”, as he is a “genius, freak”. L likes to play around a lot, and is very blunt. He loves sweets (especially cakes), and insists that if he does not sit the way he does, his reasoning will drop by 40%. L seems to be sort of a loner, and trusts no one (except Watari of course). [Quoted from Deathgod.org]

My #4 is: Ryuk [ Fun ] "I was bored..." Ryuk is not at all like the other shinigami around him, he hates boredom and lives for excitement. Only for this reason does he take extreme steps like stealing another shinigami’s death note only to drop it in the human world to test what will happen. Ryuk is pretty scary looking, but in general is harmless, as we can see since he stays out of Light’s way and just observes

My #5 is: Misa Amane [ Simple-Minded] "Raito-kun!!!" <3 Misa is compleatly and utterly obsessed with Raito. All she wants is for him to love her. And either she doesn't realize she is being used by Kira, or she just doesn't care. Either way, she is perfectly happy giving up her life in order to make Raito happy. She let go of her morals long ago.

My #6 is: Mikami Teru [ Obsessive ] "GOD?!?!" He is smart enough to understand Light’s thinking, but he doesn’t really contemplate with possible consequences of his actions. He may even be a more crazy Light-follower than even Misa is. He blindly obeys whatever Kira says and truely believes he is a God, going to any lengths to prove his loyalty to Kira. [Quoted from Deathgod.org]

My #7 is: Matsuda [ Optimistic ] "After this case, Lets go out for drinks!" He's not the brightest, but he is willing to risk his life for what he thinks is right. He tends to get confused easily, is a tad naive, and is overly optimistic.

My #8 is: Near [ True Genius ] "..." He is quite weird and also very unemotional. He’s entirely on his own pace. He’s even worse at cooperation than L is. He is even willing to use forceful tactics that are barely within the law. Generally speaking, his personality is dry and he values results above all else. [Quoted from Deathgod.org]

My #9 is: Linda [ Happy- go-Lucky ] "Near, come play with us..." Maybe the Least recognized character in all of Death Note. Linda went to Whammy's house and was training to be L, along with Near, Mello, and Matt. She has amazing skills in the arts, which is demonstrated when she drew the sketches of Near and Mello for the Japanese police...She seems like a relativly normal little girl, and doesn't like it when Near is left out. She alledgedly keeps asking Near to play with her and the other kids, dispite his constant refusal. In my opinion, she might even have a small crush on him.

My #10 is: Kira [ God-Complex] "I am the God of this new world!!" Kira is the version of Raito Yagami that is killing all, the criminals in order to create a new world, free of criminals. He is willing to give up everything to reach this goal. By the end couple of volumes, he is nothing but a Crazed Serial Killer with a God complex, but he started off just trying to make the world a better place. But he had a perverted sense of justice.

My #11 is: Light (Raito) Yagami [ Just ] "...all you see is people the world would be better off without." Raito is the Main character in the series and has a better sense of justice than most people. Light is different from Kira, even though they are the same person. Raito himself, agrees with L in the fact that Kira must be captured, as proven in the Yostuba ark. Even though he agree's with Kira's logic, he realizes that murder is wrong...

Tehkää ihan ite.
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