
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.03.2008 20:46

"Are you allowed to bring alcohol in the church?"


- Jürgen! See you in Hell!
- I won't go to Hell. But you will, because you swear.

- Voi vittu.
- ...
- Shit!
- (no reaction)
- Whaaa *angry look*

French teacher: Okey you have to sit down because if the Police see that you're standing, they will give you fines.
Anni: Voisit pyyhkiä ton kuolan suupielestäs.
French teacher: Hahaha okeyy... *He leaves*
( We explain the conversation to Jürgen )
Jurgen: Oooh you're so mean!


"Vuh vuh, pour vous?!"

"Did you have a Smirnoff party at the airport?" wha-kash!

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