


Je ne regrette rien~

Muumipappa. ;DTiistai 15.04.2008 22:18

You're Moominpappa!

You're an adventurous, brave, and strong person. While you're a dreamer, you're not afraid of carrying out your dreams and you have a knack for achieving great things.

Sometimes, however, you may take yourself and your life slightly too seriously, and you easily get very gloomy and meta about your life. Lighten up a little! You're depressing Moominmama with your moody nature and dreams of stormy seas.

When it comes to love you're committed and protective, but you also need to have your personal space. Your ideal match is the down-to-earth Moominmama.

Careerwise: Charasmatic, creative and idealistic as you are, you'd be great in a leading position.

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