Every single second that I live, I'm thinking of you.
How we met was destiny, our love is honestly true.
Tell me what I'm suppose to do, if I ain't got you here
I want to be the one thats by your side through the years.
Wanna be the one whose gonna fight away all your tears.
Replacing it with happiness and take away all your fears.
One day we're gonna look at our pictures and reminisce.
Crazy are the things you do to me with just a little kiss.
I wouldn't trade you for the world, you're all that I need.
You're the only boy who ever got me feeling so free.
And I love you, wit all my heart and soul till I die.
I truly need you, baby you're the light in my life..
Just hold on tight, because I'm always gonna treat you right.
My baby and my closest friend, I love you my boy .
Until the day I die, ill try to give you the world
vittu oon sekasi :s