


Kaikille sydämmettäjille tiedoksi, niitä ei heru takas.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.03.2011 17:19

Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Live free or Twihard s6e5 ....... ;--;
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

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