


Kaikille sydämmettäjille tiedoksi, niitä ei heru takas.

"Cas, mus mus!"Tiistai 08.03.2011 19:51

Saatii Nellin kans katottuu nelos tuottis loppuun ja alotettiin vitonen ollaa jo upeesti puoli välissä :---DDD

Nyt, kalapuikkoja ja Las Vegasin eka tuottis! (sain tosiaan ekan ja vitosen ihan vähä aikaasitten käsiini!)

ps- miks galleria vamoo niinku vitusti liikaa?

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.03.2011 19:46

Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
No mutta TuT pitääks tätä muka edes kysyä?
TIETYSTI Sam & Dean ;33 ♥♥ Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.03.2011 18:08

Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
NNNo ddaaa~ tietysti Dean & Sam ;p +Cassu :3 Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.03.2011 17:19

Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Live free or Twihard s6e5 ....... ;--;
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.03.2011 19:58

Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
ehkä semi spoileri varotus?
Kaikki ne kohat joissa Deanil ja Samil on joku faidis. Siis oikesti ja se ku ne valehtelee toisillee ja pimittää asioita ja se että Sam luottaa siihen vitun horo Rubyyn ja DDD8888<<<<< RRRR!
juuu... enimmäkseen 4 & 5 -tuottikset ja no SPOILERI NIIILLE JOTEKA EI OO KUTOS TUOTTIKSELLA! 6 alku ku samilt puuttuu selu ja se on täys kusipää
Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.03.2011 00:55

Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy
Tähän vastaan
Dean getting scared by the cat
yksinkertasesti, vaikka näkisin tän 10 kertaa putkeen EN VOI olla hajoomatta :---DDDD saa mut AINA hyvälle tuulelle ja nauramaan XD
Pelkkä ajatus saa mut jo hajoo :---D
+Samin ilme sen jälkee ku Dean on sillee "that was scary :'D"
Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 03.03.2011 18:08

Day 13 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Mooonta monta kohtausta ;o;
Ainaki Dean meets Sammifer (The end s5e4) Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related

D8<Keskiviikko 02.03.2011 22:25

Sais vastaa toi Impalan omistaja, perkele mä HALUAN ton auton,vittu!

JES OwO!!!! 8DDDDDDDDDKeskiviikko 02.03.2011 17:41

AWESOMEEE!!!!! ♥♥♥
Finn teeveessääää on 1 uus TVD jakso JA KAKS UUTTA SUPERNATURALIII 8DDDDDDD JJEEEE! Näitä oonki odottanu ihan vitusti liikaa 8D

Pitää kattoo ne sitten ku tuun autokoulus 0:---DDDDD!
Ihan hyvä että olin välillä pois koneelta ni tänne on jopa tullu jotain XD

Eilen katoin Las Vegasin 4.tuottiksen kokonaa o.o nyt on pakko saada vitonen O_O! Danny ♥ mmmm~ =w= nam. Ja Sam ♥ En muistanukkaa kuinka hyvä sarja se on! Kaapista puuttuu vaan 1 & 5 tuottikset!
JA älysin et ei perkele Dannyl on siin Chevi Camaro -69 SS convertible *Q* nam <3
(mut on impala -67 paljo hienompi...... jos ois rahaa ni hommaisin molemmat XD) HAlusin nähä Josh Duhamelin ja Jared Padaleckin vierekkäin ni näkis kuinka paljo nii on pituus eroo o.o Ku Josh on kans aika pitkä :o (edit; mun oli pakko tyydyttää mun uteliaisuus ja käydä kattoo kuinka pitkiä ne on. Josh 192cm ja Jared 193com XD)
Vittu mullon tänää ihan darra fiilis õ__õ vaikken oo juonu eile mitää

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.03.2011 16:59

Day 12 - Your favorite funny scene
Näitäki on monta D8< XD
no jos listaan tähän muutaman;
Dean getting scared by the cat (yellow fever s4e6)
Sam knows everything (Mystery spot s3e11)
Dude, could you be more gay? (Bed time stories s3e5)
I'm bat man! (Bad day at the black rock s3e3)
Sam dreaming of Bela (Dream a little dream of me s3e10)
Sam high on mental hospital (Sam,Interrupted s5e11)
Dean meeting Dr.Sexy (Changing channels s5e8)
Dean & Sam's different versions of everything (Tall tales s2e15)

Day 13 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didnÂ’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season intro episode
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Anything SPN related