


Ja tuo uskomaton vaatimattomuus!

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.05.2006 22:10


Hey you, looking at me, I'm talking to you
I'm Silvia Night shining in the light, I know you want me too
Born in Reykjavik in a different league, no damn eurotrashfreak
The vote is in, I'll fucking win
Too bad for all the others

So congratulations, I have arrived
I'm Silvia Night and I'm shining so bright
Eurovision nation, your dreams coming true
You've been waiting and waiting
For me to save you
Wham bam boom

My song's totally cool, no yesterday's news
It is hot okay, really not too gay
I'm coming here to stay
Want a piece of me, listen carefully
You'll be D.E.A.D.
So boys and girls around the world
Let's meet next year in Iceland

So congratulations, I have arrived
I'm Silvia Night and I'm shining so bright
Eurovision nation, your dream's coming true
You've been waiting forever
For me to save you

(So congratulations, so congratulations)
(So congratulations, so congratulations)
(So congratulations, so congratulations)
(So congratulations, so congratulations)

(Ring, ring, ring, ring)
Hello, is it God? What's up dog?
(Ring, ring, ring, ring)
It's your favourite person in the world, Silvia Night
(Ring, ring, ring, ring)
I'm saving the end of the world
(Ring, ring, ring, ring)
See you... bye

So congratulations, I have arrived
I'm Silvia Night and I'm shining so bright
Eurovision nation, your dreams coming true
You've been waiting forever
For me to save you

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